Announcing our Third Community Survey
Our interactive survey gives you an opportunity to say how you feel the community is going
Your Thoughts Matter!
Back in June, I used this newsletter to release a small survey that I would ask residents their thoughts and feelings on the direction of our community collectively how we feel things are going in the towns we call home. In September, the survey was open again to capture the community’s thoughts and feelings.
Creating an opportunity for residents to provide their thoughts and ideas on their community is a cornerstone of this publication and providing this survey every couple of months will not only give residents that opportunity, it will also be used to track the sentiments of the community over time.
In September, 42 individuals took two to three minutes to fill out the anonymous online survey and we reported on their responses in this post:
So today, I'm reaching out to you, our amazing and dependable readers, and asking you to take a few minutes to fill out this survey. Let us know what you think about the place you call home. In a future edition of the Civic Capacity newsletter, I'll take the time to provide thoughtful and careful analysis of the answers we receive and more importantly, review the trends that the data is showing.
This isn't just an opportunity for your thoughts and feelings to be heard—although it definitely is that. It's also a chance to gain a better understanding of how your community is perceived by your friends and neighbors, and for you to have a say in that process.
We'll keep the survey open for two weeks, and afterward, I'll analyze the responses and report back with the results.
You can access the survey here:
Thanks for your time and your participation! It is greatly appreciated!