Council Committee to Discuss West Market Street Road Project
Another road project is planned for the community
On Monday, July 8th, City Council’s Streets and Sidewalks Committee will discuss whether the city should apply for a grant from the Ohio Public Works Commission for another road project in the community.
The City Administration is proposing the West Market Street Corridor Improvement Project, with the first phase at a cost of $1.981 Million. The funding from the Ohio Public Works Commission would cover $600,000 of the total project cost. The project would widen West Market Street (State Route 55) from approximately 2433 West Market Street to Parkview Drive, on the city’s southwest side. Unlike the West Main Street Project, this activity does not propose to reconstruct West Main Street. Rather, the project would install new curbs, gutters and either sidewalks or recreational trails. Water lines and sanitary sewer lines will also need to be relocated as well. Those portions of West Market Street that are already widened to specifications will only be re-striped to match the new traffic configuration.
The project will be designed in 2025, with construction set to begin the following year. Even on the heels of the multi-year West Main Street Improvement Project, drivers will continue to see orange barrels throughout the community for the foreseeable future. There are active efforts to install roundabouts at Experiment Farm Rd/S. Stanfield Rd/W. Main St. and at Riverside Dr./Staunton Rd./Adams St. There is also continued discussion about traffic and pedestrian improvements to the Public Square, which will impact downtown traffic.
The Streets and Sidewalks Committee will be held on Monday, July 8th at 6:00 p.m. and will be held in Council Chambers at the Municipal Building.
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