How the Troy Comprehensive Plan is Shaping a Vibrant, Sustainable Future for Our Community
The City's Comprehensive Plan is beginning to take shape
Consultants working on the city’s comprehensive plan recently held a meeting with the steering committee helping guide the process. The purpose of the aims to guide the development and growth of our hometown, ideally ensuring it remains a vibrant and sustainable community. The plan encompasses various aspects, including land use, transportation, economic development, housing, parks and recreation, social services, and downtown revitalization. This publication was able to get a copy of a slide deck of the latest presentation by the consultants to the steering committee, and this broad analysis provides insights into each section of the plan, along with potential implications for Troy's future. Future editions of this publication will go into each section of the presentation with more depth and discussion.
Current Progress and Project Update
The plan is currently in the drafting stage, with significant sections completed, including the introduction, vision and goals, growth management, land use, transportation and infrastructure, economic development, attainable housing, parks and recreation, social services, and downtown. This comprehensive approach ensures that all facets of the city's growth are addressed cohesively.
Growth Management
Growth management focuses on sustainable and organized development. The Future Land Use Map divides the city into 14 character classes, such as Open Space and Conservation, Agricultural, Single-Unit Detached Residential, and Mixed-Use. This classification helps in maintaining the city's character while accommodating growth. The "Close Knit Factor" is introduced to evaluate development decisions based on community integration and amenities, promoting developments that exceed minimum standards with additional benefits like public parks, trails, and community centers.
Land Use and Zoning
The plan emphasizes maintaining a balance between various land uses. The Future Land Use Map and character classes ensure that development aligns with the community's vision. By keeping overlay districts and utilities in consideration, the plan aims to provide clear guidelines for future growth.
Transportation and Infrastructure
The plan includes a "Complete Streets" approach, ensuring roads are safe and accessible for all users, including pedestrians and cyclists. Cross-section prototypes illustrate how streets can be designed to accommodate multiple modes of transportation. The plan also highlights necessary infrastructure improvements, such as upgrading wastewater and water facilities and enhancing road networks to support growth areas.
Economic Development
Economic strategies focus on leveraging Troy's strengths in manufacturing, retail, and healthcare. Key strategies include developing industry clusters, supporting existing businesses, and creating a retail and entertainment-specific recruitment strategy. These initiatives aim to attract diverse businesses and provide job opportunities, thereby boosting the local economy.
Attainable Housing
The plan addresses the housing demand highlighted by the 2020 Census, which revealed a need for more rental and owner-occupied units. Strategies include refining zoning regulations to accommodate diverse housing types, working with employers on assisted housing programs, and exploring land banking and trust options. These efforts aim to provide affordable housing options across income levels and support younger residents and families.
Parks and Recreation
Troy's parks and recreational facilities are a key asset. The plan recommends updating the 2019 Parks Assessment to align with current community needs, such as adding meditation spaces, community gardens, and shaded seating areas. It also emphasizes the need for new park spaces in underserved neighborhoods west of I-75 and enhancing trail connectivity.
Social Services
The plan recognizes the importance of social services in maintaining community well-being. Strategies include identifying food deserts, improving public transportation, and facilitating volunteerism. By working with Miami County and local nonprofits, the plan aims to enhance access to essential services and support vulnerable populations.
Downtown Revitalization
Downtown Troy is a focal point for the community. The plan suggests building on existing momentum by preserving historic buildings, enhancing public spaces, and addressing parking challenges. It also recommends creating a Community Entertainment District and developing upper-floor conversions to increase residential options downtown.
Critical Path Strategies
The plan outlines 51 strategy recommendations, narrowing them down to 10-15 near-term priorities for the next five years. These priorities will guide immediate actions and ensure that the comprehensive plan's vision is implemented effectively.
Implications for Troy
The implications of this comprehensive plan for Troy cover major strategic goals that the community wants to cover:
Sustainable Growth: By managing growth through well-defined land use and zoning policies, Troy can accommodate new developments without compromising its small-town charm and character.
Enhanced Quality of Life: Improvements in transportation, housing, and parks will significantly enhance residents' quality of life, making Troy a more attractive place to live, work, and play.
Economic Vitality: Focused economic development strategies will attract new businesses and support existing ones, fostering a robust local economy that provides diverse job opportunities.
Community Cohesion: The "Close Knit Factor" and emphasis on social services will help maintain a strong sense of community, ensuring that all residents have access to essential services and feel connected to their city.
Downtown Revitalization: Continued investment in downtown will preserve its historical significance while adapting to modern needs, making it a vibrant hub for commerce and social activities.
Environmental Stewardship: The inclusion of open spaces, conservation areas, and sustainable infrastructure improvements demonstrates Troy's commitment to environmental stewardship.
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