Bill, I agree with you. I question whether or not we have chosen the correct firm. As you are aware, the ODA administration pays little attention to the wishes or ideas of the residents of the City of Troy. Before the meeting, I gave Stan Kegley 3 pages of ideas about the project, many reflecting what I heard and agreed with from the last meeting. I doubt very seriously if any of them will be considered. My guess is that the project plans are completed, will not be changed and the ODA administration is just waiting for Spring 2025 to start the traffic project.

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I wasn't at the meeting but I drive around the square 4 times a day M-F and I hate the thought of it being more complicated with another lane. I don't mind slowing down or yielding for pedestrians because it's a sign of respect and courtesy for those who are enjoying the downtown on foot. I have little confidence in consultants and traffic engineers who don't live here or have first hand experience of what it's like to drive or walk in our downtown. My two cents.

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Bill, I attended the recent meeting and it was my first time, as well as the 4 people in my row. So, I didn't consider the presentation a re-run. I applaud the City for requesting input and I am sure they will use some of the input and disregard a bit more. I think some of the public input was valid, but other comments were irrelevant to the project at hand. In the end, I trust that the City, the Consultants and the Traffic Engineers have the best interest of the City at hand and are experts in their field. This is a complex infrastructure and traffic project involving two State Routes and a busy pedestrian area. I doubt there is a design everyone will be happy with, but I have no doubt the design will be an improvement to our downtown streetscape and alleviate some of the congestion.

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The city is going through the motions of gathering information that they won't use. They don't really want the public's input. They are going to do it their way. Traffic flow and lack of parking will continue to keep downtown Troy from reaching its potential for years to come.

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