I have from the beginning thought a roundabout in this location would be a disaster. As mentioned in the OATS information, there are too many trucks in the area for a roundabout. Are there delays for drivers in this area, yeah, but for the most part things run pretty smoothly. If there are rear end accidents, they are the fault of drivers in attention. Leave this intersection alone!!!
Good Morning Carol! What has my interest is the fact that the travel in the intersection is not even, which is what the OATS Manual look at. In other words, the travel going through the intersection on West Main Street, I would dare say is 5 or 6 times the travel going through the intersection on Stanfield/Experiment Farm. It will be interesting to see what the OATS Manual review will say.
In Vandalia they wanted to discourage semis from using 40 to get on the interstate, they wanted them to go up 25A to the Northwoods exit. So they dropped the speed through town to 25 and pretty much only stop/ticket the semi trucks (or so the rumor goes).
Maybe there are some creative ways to discourage truck traffic on 41.
I drive in Vandalia almost daily and can attest that their enforcement efforts have stopped a large number of semis on Route 40. Yes, enforcemenet can make a difference.
My concern would be the semi trailer traffic that is generated northbound on stan field and southbound on Experiment Farm Rd. When my company located on Experiment Farm Rd in 1993( now the Pella operation), we were advised to direct our substantial semi truck container traffic north on Experiment Farm Rd to Peterson and catch I75 that way and reverse for inbound. That’s 31 years ago, and substantial development all around that intersection has occurred since. I’m counting on engineers/ studies will to be all to figure that out and determine feasibility accordingly.
You are spot on. That intersection has been heavily developed over the past thirty years and I hope that industrial traffic still has to go north to pick up 75 between Troy and Piqua, but I kinda doubt it. I am sure those truckers are looking for the quickest way to get to the interstate.
I like roundabouts. And I'm not a knee-jerk naysayer. However, I think the one at McKaig and Dorset is too small to safely function the way roundabouts are intended to work. And I question whether there is room around the West Main intersection to build a roundabout that would truly improve traffic flow there. Admittedly, I'm not an engineer. There ought to be an existing roundabout out in the world somewhere with similar dimensions and traffic flow that could be observed for comparison as a part of this research.
I will not disagree that the McKaig/Dorset roundabout feels small, but I have been through that feel even tighter. The new one in Butler Township at the intersection of Maxton Road and Miller Lane feels a lot like McKaig/Dorset. I have also seen many down south that are miniscule, compared to what we have.
I have from the beginning thought a roundabout in this location would be a disaster. As mentioned in the OATS information, there are too many trucks in the area for a roundabout. Are there delays for drivers in this area, yeah, but for the most part things run pretty smoothly. If there are rear end accidents, they are the fault of drivers in attention. Leave this intersection alone!!!
Good Morning Carol! What has my interest is the fact that the travel in the intersection is not even, which is what the OATS Manual look at. In other words, the travel going through the intersection on West Main Street, I would dare say is 5 or 6 times the travel going through the intersection on Stanfield/Experiment Farm. It will be interesting to see what the OATS Manual review will say.
In Vandalia they wanted to discourage semis from using 40 to get on the interstate, they wanted them to go up 25A to the Northwoods exit. So they dropped the speed through town to 25 and pretty much only stop/ticket the semi trucks (or so the rumor goes).
Maybe there are some creative ways to discourage truck traffic on 41.
I drive in Vandalia almost daily and can attest that their enforcement efforts have stopped a large number of semis on Route 40. Yes, enforcemenet can make a difference.
My concern would be the semi trailer traffic that is generated northbound on stan field and southbound on Experiment Farm Rd. When my company located on Experiment Farm Rd in 1993( now the Pella operation), we were advised to direct our substantial semi truck container traffic north on Experiment Farm Rd to Peterson and catch I75 that way and reverse for inbound. That’s 31 years ago, and substantial development all around that intersection has occurred since. I’m counting on engineers/ studies will to be all to figure that out and determine feasibility accordingly.
You are spot on. That intersection has been heavily developed over the past thirty years and I hope that industrial traffic still has to go north to pick up 75 between Troy and Piqua, but I kinda doubt it. I am sure those truckers are looking for the quickest way to get to the interstate.
I like roundabouts. And I'm not a knee-jerk naysayer. However, I think the one at McKaig and Dorset is too small to safely function the way roundabouts are intended to work. And I question whether there is room around the West Main intersection to build a roundabout that would truly improve traffic flow there. Admittedly, I'm not an engineer. There ought to be an existing roundabout out in the world somewhere with similar dimensions and traffic flow that could be observed for comparison as a part of this research.
I will not disagree that the McKaig/Dorset roundabout feels small, but I have been through that feel even tighter. The new one in Butler Township at the intersection of Maxton Road and Miller Lane feels a lot like McKaig/Dorset. I have also seen many down south that are miniscule, compared to what we have.