You cite that in the rental sector, average rents increased from $704 in 2013 to $888 in 2022. How were those averages calculated, do you know? I tend to casually keep a casual eye on advertised rentals, and I VERY RARELY see anything for rent in Troy for under $1,000 a month. Is there a comprehensive, reliable data source that calculates average rental cost by square foot in the area?

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So this data is collected by the Census Bureau and comes from individuals that respond and these are also five year averages. The 2013 number was dated collected from 2009-2013 and the 2022 data was dated collected from 2018-2022. I am not aware of any reliable data sources that collect that data, but I am sure something is out there. Overall, you are right on the money, rents have really skyrocketed.

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