I applied for the planning commission a couple of years ago as well, and it doesn't look like my application was included in the public records request.

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I specifically asked for those applications that came in since last Spring. It would not have been included.

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We’ll put. Doesn’t City Council have to “approve” the mayor’s choices to the planning commission? When is that scheduled for? If council doesn’t ask about the process, etc, before approving, shame on them.

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From the Ohio Revised Code: "The legislative authority of each city having a board of park commissioners may establish a city planning commission of seven members, consisting of the mayor, the director of public service, the president of the board of park commissioners, two citizens of the municipal corporation, and two public members who shall serve without compensation and shall be appointed by the mayor for terms of six years each, except that the term of two of the members of the first commission shall be for three years." The Mayor makes the appointment without input from the city council.

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Well I'm the guy from .the long st this proves city hall is corrupt in this city needs a change but nothing will be done about it because the power to be holds back people that talks against them the mayor and city council believes that they can do whatever they want to do and it feels like you have no right in this town you try to talk to the mayor she won't reply to email she won't take your phone calls she won't look at your Facebook messages to her you try to talk to city council live in my neighborhood and due to my employer I'm not allowed running for office or I'd run for mayor this town is corrupt by political figures that want to stay in power and do anything and everything to keep the cronies in power

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Piqua's is.

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