On the Agenda: Previewing Monday's City Council Meeting
A Quick Rundown of what to expect at Monday's City Council meeting
The upcoming Troy City Council meeting on Monday, December 4th, 2023, features a a couple of public hearings and a handfull of resolutions and ordinances to be deliberated. Here's a narrative preview of what to expect.
Public Hearings: Two significant rezoning proposals are on the agenda. The first concerns the Swank Annex at 2980 W. Fenner Rd., proposed to change from County A-2 General Agriculture to City R-4 Single-Family Residential District. The second proposal involves rezoning 1304 W. Main St. from R-4 Single-Family Residential District to OR-1 Office Residential District.
Committee Reports and Citizen Comments: Following a summary of the minutes from the November 20, 2023 meeting, the council will hear reports from various committees, including Community & Economic Development, Law & Ordinance, Recreation & Parks, and Streets & Sidewalks. These reports will provide insights into the legislation up for adoption. The council will also open the floor to citizens, allowing them to comment on these reports or agenda items, emphasizing community engagement in civic matters.
Resolutions and Ordinances: Several critical resolutions and ordinances are up for discussion. Among them:
Resolution R-63-2023 deais with the bidding and contracting for the N. Elm Street Resurfacing Project, a significant infrastructure improvement with a budget of $500,000.
Resolultion R-64-2023 approves a Memoradum of Understanding between the City Board of Park Commissioners, Troy City Schools to transfer lands for the building of new schools. This items is also scheduled to be adopted as an Emergency measure. This publication covered that topic in this post:
The council will also deliberate on various ordinances, including:
Ordinance O-48-2023: A proposal to rezone a significant land area for a Planned Development-Residential project near Nashville Road and West Market Street. This publication covered the committee meeting to this item here:
Ordinance O-53-2023: The 2024 Appropriation Ordinance, which is crucial for the approval of the 2024 Budget, outlining the financial roadmap for the city for the next year. This is the second hearing of this item.
Ordinance O-54-2023: A proposal for a 180-day moratorium on permits for Adult Use Cannabis Operators due in large part to the recent adoption of State Issue 2 at the November election. This item is also being requested to be adopted as an Emergency measure. This publication covered this item here:
Ordinance O-55-2023: A reappropriation ordinance for the year 2023. This is the first and expected to be only reappropriation ordinance of the year. These routine items are adopted to ensure that funds are balanced throughout the budget year.
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Am looking forward to a future column that discusses the possibilities for the threatened school buildings in the city’s comprehensive plan. Topics I would like to see are: the roles/rules of demolition, citizen input especially re: neighborhood input and redevelopment, private ownership and development, adaptive re-use, playgrounds, community centers, housing, education centers.
One can hardly forget the comparison between Edward’s School and what is there now with the repurposed downtown building that now houses the Piqua’s library.