But the sad part is,the city of piqua commissioners,the city manager and the law director continue to do things to suit them,Illegally or not with no recourse,they pick and choose what they say,they continue to lie with no recourse.You take families homes Illegally,you put families in danger by not caring about the battery burns, and they are still there in charge,seems like the government does as it pleases with no recourse.
Excellent article and kudos to Jeff Grimes and those who jumped on board.
Thanks Steve
But the sad part is,the city of piqua commissioners,the city manager and the law director continue to do things to suit them,Illegally or not with no recourse,they pick and choose what they say,they continue to lie with no recourse.You take families homes Illegally,you put families in danger by not caring about the battery burns, and they are still there in charge,seems like the government does as it pleases with no recourse.