I'm curious but what prompted the City of Troy to consult an outside company like American Structurepoint to begin with?

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Hi Laura! Using outside consultants for a project like this is a best practice. One of the benefits of using an outside consultant is that they tend to do a very good job in getting public participation throughout the planning process, since they can devote more energy and resources to the effort. I think American Structurepoint has done a very good job of getting citizen input into this process up to this point. As they roll the plan out, they are going to have to continue that good work.

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Hello Bill,

Thanks for the write up and good job of keeping the community in the loop!


Reading over this after reading over the United Nations Sustainability Development Plan ,AKA agenda 2030. It’s bad enough we have so many companies partnered with the WEF in Ohio and pushing craziness.

I have to wonder if this Consultant firm is a front man to push the communist agenda. ( One World Government) This Plan is like putting lip stick on a pig in my opinion and I do not consent to the global agenda.

Also after recently learning of the Delphi method Anser and Rand Technique being used unknowingly on individuals across the nation during various meetings to get a desired outcome. These techniques may even fall under social engineering? Social Engineering- In the context of information security, social engineering is the psychological manipulation of people into performing actions or divulging confidential information.


If the Pandemic done anything it has opened my eyes to the fact the devil is the master of deception.

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