Staff recommends prohibiting dispensaries in the community
I think the city is missing out of an opportunity for tax revenue.
What is Troy's reasoning for not allowing a dispensary?
The Staff Report to the Planning Commission really didn't address this question.
Because they don’t have a decent answer.
Are there tax income advantages to allowing marijuana operations? Seems like this might be a consideration when making this decision.
Show them the money, and suddenly, the resistance will vaporize.
A reader from Piqua (which has such dispensaries) stated the city is conservatively expecting to receive $600,000 in tax revenue in cannabis sales.
Seems pretty significant to be casually disregarded.
Very true. $50,000 a month is quite a significant sum.
I think the city is missing out of an opportunity for tax revenue.
What is Troy's reasoning for not allowing a dispensary?
The Staff Report to the Planning Commission really didn't address this question.
Because they don’t have a decent answer.
Are there tax income advantages to allowing marijuana operations? Seems like this might be a consideration when making this decision.
Show them the money, and suddenly, the resistance will vaporize.
A reader from Piqua (which has such dispensaries) stated the city is conservatively expecting to receive $600,000 in tax revenue in cannabis sales.
Seems pretty significant to be casually disregarded.
Very true. $50,000 a month is quite a significant sum.