This whole project is getting out of control while public support is minimal. How about a no cost solution of leaving the intersection as is. Are new signals worth the cost and are better than the existing signals? I think not. This is another example of a solution seeking a problem. It’s should be called a cluster instead of an intersection. Mr. Severt’s comments were right on target.

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It really seems that given the increased costs of the project, the benefits become more and more negligible.

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Out of curiosity, how LONG would a construction of this size take? And what happens to all the traffic currently running through that intersection in the meantime?

Main Street isn't even finished. We had 2 years of a block of it being closed because of fighting with the preservation society. I just want to be able to drive to work smoothly. Is that too much to ask? *cry*

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At the meeting, the city revealed that the project wouldn't begin until 2028 and if I had to guess it would take a year. Of course, this after the Public Square project that could be in 2026 and 2027, depending on how that is phased.

It is possible to maintain traffic while putting in a roundabout, but it isn't easy. If you think that intersection is bad now, wait until they try to put a roundabout there. It will be a complete and total mess.

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Bill, thanks for sifting through this. It seems to me that if the City goes fwd w/this project, it should shelve the “bike path to nowhere”, which has very little citizen support.

And … as most citizens of Troy must do, the City may have to shelve a project or 2.

One more point … if a consideration would be to again delay the traffic circle project, I would STRONGLY suggest it be abandoned. Even the traffic signal project could be shelved, if the cost becomes prohibitive.

Those dollars could be redirected to projects in downtown Troy.

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I can support a study qualified traffics engineer study of this project to hopefully out to rest its feasibility. Personally I don’t see it helping traffic.

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